Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Surfaces that work

In many urban spaces of the country, male children are happy when the road surface in front of their house or in near vicinity has been laid nicely. They have a practice pitch on, and many will have memories associated with it after they have grown older. Good work, local contractor and municipal engineer. The children, male ones, thank you.

All fine, but, read the link why I’ve always been asserting why cricketers and politicians have nothing to do with building the country. Ok Ok, baba, this is how things are, and this is how we work out an issue in the country. Let time and money sort it out.

Some fans agree preparing a cricket pitch is an art and needs some technical inputs too. In addition to what’s visible on the surface, i.e. its planar length and width, the depth and quality of material used in making this pitch has to follow some basic standards, and some technical requirements?

A very appropriate tweeter tweet I found today through a hilarious post on India Uncut. The Prem Panicker tweet reads as

Strange: so NDT’s bedroom antics bother us. But not the corruption? Strange sense of priorities.

On similar lines:
Area of One cricket pitch at Firojshah kotla = 61.3160064 m2
Approximate area of road network in India = 10,000,000,000 m2

Rightly said - "Strange sense of priorities".

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Bridge collapse – River Chambal

Place: Kota, Rajasthan, India.
Project Cost: Around Fifty Million USD.

Forty or forty-five believed dead is not about dying, it is actually about collectively dying - on the foredrop excuse of building the country. Something to be proud of? Or, something to honor? Of course these events will continue to happen when you put cricketers to build buildings.

For the comparative pictures here, sorry dear cricketers, it is understandable you are only entertainers. There are others - including professionals like us, to blame for apathy to the concept of safety at sites.

The victims, famously known in the country as labourers, are again from all over India - especially UP, WB and Bihar etc.